ExxonMobil on Friday commissioned an Information Technology Department at Mainstay/Whyaka Learning Resource Centre.
The company funded the aesthetics of the Thomas Ebenezer Pearson Centre along with a donation of 10 computers and a printer for the facility.

Toshao of the Amerindian community, Joel Federicks, said the centre is an investment that would provide for future generations within the community. Federicks said the community of Mainstay/Whyaka is pleased to partner with the oil and gas company for further development. He also told the gathering that the centre would serve as a main hub providing internet access to residents.
Federicks explained that the centre will serve as a training centre for the children, and noted that the Mainstay Village Council will be working with the University of Guyana through the Institute Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE) branch at Cotton Field, Essequibo Coast to provide information technology training to villagers. He added that the community of Arawak descendants is happy to be upgrading itself in the area of science and technology.
In the past, the oil company had donated floodlights to the community in addition to funding the resource centre and providing capacity building training.
Country Manager for ExxonMobil, Rod Henson, said the oil company was happy to support and extend partnership with the community for the fourth year.
Henson said the funding would provide empowerment and capacity building for persons living within the community. He pledged the company’s support and commitment in the future for further development.
The ExxonMobil team that visited the Amerindian Village on Friday included Public and Government Affairs Manager Kimberly Brasington, Director of Government Relations Carlton James, and Community Relation and Communication Analyst Nicholas Yearwood, along with Deb Henson. Representing the Regional Administration was Assistant Regional Executive Officer Yvette Yastings.