Dear Editor,
The citizens of Guyana have had over two years to analyze and critically assess the performance of the Granger-led ruling Administration.
At every stratum of this society, there are ongoing cries and complaints from committed Guyanese who believe that their aspirations and goals have been shattered. This evidence suggests that the People’s National Congress-dominated coalition Government has failed on its promise of a good life. It is now very clear to citizens throughout the length and breadth of this nation that we are dealing with an unfit administration, which is unapologetic about its overwhelming use of improper practices.
President Granger has made it clear to the citizens of Guyana in both explicit and implicit terms that he is running an elitist government, of which he has employed an autocratic leadership style.
The President’s leadership directs the people of Guyana to the root cause of the nation’s rapid economic decline and social decay post-May 2015. Citizens have now witnessed the underwhelming performance of this administration through two budgetary cycles, and are convinced that economic growth and development are of little significance to this Government, as it seeks only to consolidate power.
With its actions, the People’s Progressive Party Civic seems to show daily that it is listening keenly to the voices of the people of Guyana, and is sympathetic towards the citizens, since the hardship and despair being faced is not as a result of their lack of drive, but rather a lack of opportunities.
The good life in a green economy is a façade; it is nothing more than a loose tagline in form. There is no substance to the Administration’s ‘sales pitch’, as is evident in their elitist view of governance.
From a theoretical perspective, elitism does not augur well for the advancement of this nation and the citizenry. President Granger’s leadership style suggests that he is a classical elitist – as articulated by leading philosophers such as Vilredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca, and Robert Michels. Classical elites view democracy as no more than a foolish delusion, since they believe that political power is always exercised by a privileged minority. The Granger-led Administration’s elitist view conflicts with the view we have as a nation which believes in equality for all the peoples. In reality, President Granger’s elitist view has no place in Guyana’s future development. This coalition Government ideally should have continued efforts in promoting democratic principles and values in a free and inclusive society.
It is clear now that President Granger, through his actions, is not committed to delivering on the good life promise nor on promoting democratic principles in Guyana. Pointedly, the Government continues to pursue national policies which are irrational, resulting in further job cuts within every industry and sector. This has further exacerbated the erosion of the socio-economic wellbeing of the people of Guyana. We will continue to lose comparative advantage in our traditional and attractive sectors, while growth will be stymied in our emerging sectors. Productivity will wane further, due to the decline in competitiveness of our industries and sectors. Moreover, Guyanese firms will find it increasingly hard to compete in regional and international markets. Altogether, our livelihood will continue to worsen, with no prospects of a good life under Granger’s Administration.
Civic-minded Guyanese must continue to let their voices be heard, and remain informed. Our democratic rights are granted to us by our Constitution, and they remain our tool to hire and fire any administration. The Granger-led Administration must be held accountable for the collapse of our economy. A ‘Good Life Commission’ would reveal that a good life was a promise made by the President to himself and the privileged minority.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Willams, PhD