Fake “winning” sops, fake poll, rigged party elections – Norton carries the pnc’s mantle
GECOM has announced December 12 as Nomination Day for Local Government Elections scheduled to be conducted on March 13, 2023. Even as Guyana prepares for Nomination Day, the Commission of Inquiry established to inquire into the events from March 2 to August 2, 2020, a period in which the incumbent Government tried to rig the March 2, 2020 elections’ results, is set to begin the inquiry. Local newspapers have been carrying full-page advertisements calling on Guyanese to come forward and testify and give evidence. Those who were engaged in the shameful events that took place in plain sight of the whole world will find every reason to boycott the CoI. Avoiding giving evidence is not the shocker; the shock will be they actually show up.
Advisor to the Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy
The people who most ought to be ashamed of what took place between March 2 and August 2, 2020; the people who carry the shame of rigging elections like an albatross around their necks; keep reminding us of their ugly, sordid behaviour and history. For the past two weeks, MP Annette Ferguson has been publicly complaining about how the PNC rigged one of its Georgetown Party Group elections. Last week, the Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the PNC (APNU/AFC) spoke of a mysterious poll he claimed the PPP commissioned showing that the PNC will beat the PPP in any coming election.
When asked who did the poll, what the details were, and what his source was, Aubrey Norton basically insisted it was not anybody’s business.
Why would a political party want to hide a poll that showed them winning public support, especially at a time when that party’s own staunch supporters have lost confidence in the party’s leadership to advance their political prospects in this country?
This is the same scenario with the infamous but equally mysterious “winning” SoPs. They claim they had and continue to have their copies from the various polling stations, that showed they won the elections. No one else had those “winning SoPs”. Not the returning officers, or GECOM, or any other party’s election day staff, or observer; those mysterious “winning” SoPs were somehow signed by everyone and only given to the leaders of the PNC. The obvious question is: Why hide the “winning” SoPs? It is over two years now, and the PNC refuses to show anyone the “winning” SoPs. Even the then incumbent President, David Granger, also then the Leader of the PNC and APNU/AFC, admitted never having seen “winning” SoPs…
During the recount, they had every opportunity to show that their “winning” SoPs were different from the results the original count and the recount showed. But they hid their “winning” SoPs more than Fort Knox hides its gold reserves in the USA. In fact, it would be easier to somehow get around the world’s most extensive and tight security to get into Fort Knox than to get into the “vault” that is storing the PNC’s copies of the “winning” SoPs from the March 2, 2020 elections. Now we add the mysterious new poll to the secret documents that any other political party anywhere in the world would jump up and down and beat their chests to show people.
The truth is that the “winning SoPs” are a made-up mirage. The truth is: just like the fake “winning SoPs”, the mysterious poll that Norton spoke of is a fake. One would think that anything that reminds people of the ugly, brazen crime of stealing an election would be things that Norton and the PNC would want to stay away from. But the brazenness of this group in the PNC is unfathomable. There were former and present Prime Ministers from Caricom and from Africa, observers and the international media, UN representatives and the Diplomatic Corps. Everyone saw the travesty of the PNC trying to fool people. When they could not change the numbers in plain sight, they raised the crazy idea that the dead got up from the cemetery and cast votes for the living.
Citizens have shown they are not stupid, as Norton and the PNC think they are. The CoI will reveal even more ugly truths from March 2 to August 2, 2020. It is good that every citizen knows the whole truth. It is good the world sees that the Guyanese people would neither accept nor tolerate anyone trying to mess with our elections ever again. Our LGE is on schedule. The PPP, as a political party, is, as it has done even in those days when rigging was a forgone reality, ready to actively participate in every NDC and municipality. The AFC is trembling in its boots; the PNC are looking for a place to hide. They know that not participating puts them on a path to diminishing returns.
They know that participating will prove they have become marginal in the minds of the citizens of Guyana. The PNC know that their race-baiting mantra will not work in the LGE 2023. In the midst of all this, they have conducted party group elections that have their own members accusing them of rigging internal elections. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot!
Our bright future is honed in the ONE GUYANA trajectory that is being led by President Irfaan Ali himself. Without a strong, participatory democracy, our bright destiny is bound to stay hidden like the PNC’s “winning” SoPs”. With a strong democracy built on ONE GUYANA, our future is guaranteed.