Familiar faces triumph at darts tourney

Familiar faces topped the Dr Terence Joseph and National Champion Sudesh Fitzgerald darts tournament which was held on Friday at the Malteenoes Sports Club Ground.
The event was played across two formats; Luck of the draw doubles and Open Singles.

Luis Ramirez Merlano (left) and Sudesh Fitzgerald were among the top performers at last week’s darts tournament
Luis Ramirez Merlano (left) and Sudesh Fitzgerald were among the top performers at last week’s darts tournament

The Luck of the draw pair Fitzgerald and Victorine Chandro managed to defeat finalists Anthony Bissoondyal and Luis Ramirez 2/1 and came out victorious. Whilst team Bryan James and Sanjay Bhupan defeated Dr Joseph and Vinod Bhupan, taking home third place.
In the Open Singles, Luis Ramirez Merlano prevailed over his counterparts to be crown champion. He first defeated Victorine Chandro and went on to play Bryan James in the semi-finals, whom he defeated 2/0, whilst the other finalist Anthony Bissoondial climb the ladder by defeating Dr Joseph and later National Champion Sudesh Fitzgerald in the semi-finals.
However, he was no match for Luis Ramirez Merlano, who defeated Anthony 2/0, losing no legs for the evening games to emerge as champion.
Fitzgerald defeated James 2/0 for third place.
Dr Joseph managed to score the highest checkout for the evening’s events at 109.
The Novice tournament was unable to play because of the poor turnout, however sponsors say it will be postponed for a further date.