Home News Family still seeking compensation from GPL
…for fallen pole damage
Four weeks after a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) utility post crashed into an Industrial Site, Ruimveldt apartment, the occupants are still waiting on compensation for the damage that was sustained. 
Chevon Harry recalled that she was at home on October 18, 2018 when the pole came crashing down on her home. She noted that she was in the yard when the unstable pole, along with a transformer, fell into her home, damaging a section of her roof, appliances, and furniture. After the incident, workers erected a new utility pole in the same spot and restored the power, but no compensation was given to her to repair the damage. Harry noted that GPL requested a quotation for the damage assessment, but there has been no positive feedback. Her losses amounted to some $300,000.
“I ain’t getting no positive answer. They remove the post and put back a post in the same place where the post fall out from. The electricity is not the problem, but the damage. When I go and get the quotation, is about $300,000,” said Harry.
Images that were provided indicated that the house suffered substantial damage, and two televisions fell to the floor. Apart from the losses, the lives of Harry’s family members were put at risk.
“I had to go and carry the TV to the technician and was two that break. Then I had to pay for the people do a quotation and nothing I’m not hearing from these people,” said the distraught woman.
She indicated that last Thursday was the last time she tried contacting the utility company to get an update on her compensation. “I ain’t get no answer like today or tomorrow. Nothing.”
When Guyana Times contacted GPL for a comment on the matter, all calls went unanswered. Harry, who has two children, said that she was still hoping that the power company would do the right thing and compensate her.