Farmer fined $45,000 for traffic offences

Narine Singh, a farmer of Canal Number Two Polder, West Bank Demerara (WBD), found himself on the opposite side of the law when he was charged with operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s licence.
The 55-year-old man admitted that on December 25, 2017, at the Meer Zorgen, WBD Public Road, he operated motor vehicle GTT 1699 without a driver’s licence which was also in breach of insurance.
The farmer in his explanation before Magistrate Annette Singh at the Wales Magistrate’s Court said the van is normally driven by his wife, claiming that at the time, he did not know that his licence was expired. After listening to his explanation, Magistrate Singh fined him $20,000 for the unlicensed driver charge and $25,000 for breach of insurance. The farmer was informed that he would spend one month in jail if he did not pay the fines.