Home Top Stories Fatal hit and run accident: “They didn’t get a chance to live...
…calls on public to help locate driver
One week after a car slammed into an electric bike and killed a 9-month-old baby and her mother while at the same time injuring the baby’s father, who was the rider, the grandmother of the baby is calling for assistance in finding the driver.
The crash occurred on March 2, at Line path, Corentyne Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) and resulted in the death of 19-year-old Kavita Bedsan and her 9-month-old baby Ellie Surujnarine. 
The baby’s father, 17-year-old Tushan Surujnarine was also injured in the accident.
The driver fled the scene after the crash.
Police said the father was riding an electric bike with his wife and the baby as pillion riders when they were allegedly struck down by a motorcar. The motorcar involved in the accident – a white Fielder wagon – has been located but the driver – identified as Avinesh Naidoo of Corriverton, Berbice – remains on the run.
The teenager’s mother, Sangeeta Lall, is calling on all to help to locate the driver.
“I want the driver to get arrested. I want justice because this is not right; this baby was so little – nine month and the girl was so young. They didn’t get a chance to live their life. It is wrong what they doing – drinking and drive and then when they get catch they get off so quick… a couple of days and they free on the road again. They don’t have anything to study, who could give me back this? Nobody.”
The woman said she and her daughter were very close and communicated daily. The baby also spent weekends with her.
Naresh Isaacs, the foster father of Bedsan said that following the accident they went to Line path where they learnt that residents tried their best to render assistance to Surujnarine and Bedsan but later used a flashlight and discovered the baby lying motionless at the centre of the road. Initially villages thought it was a doll.
Issacs said he was told that the impact caused the trio to pitch about 50 feet from the point of impact. Police are still on the hunt for the driver.