Home News Fees collected on Easter Monday is to ensure urban areas remain clean,...
The parking fees citizens are expected to pay when utilizing the facilities at the National Park and Botanical Gardens are a policy decision aimed at ensuring that the urban parks remain green and clean for use by all patrons.
This was disclosed by the Protected Areas Commission (PAC), following many remarks made about the parking fees paid to the agency during the Monday’s Easter celebration.
At the Botanical Gardens an environmental fee ranging from $500 to $2000 for motor cycles, motor cars, BUS/SUV and trucks was applied, with no additional fees for adults or children.
All walk-in patrons enter free of charge at the Botanical Gardens, while at the National Park, similar environmental fees apply for motor vehicles and $1000 was applicable to adults. Children enter free of charge.
In a release to the public, PAC explained that the holiday is not a revenue generating activity, however, all the fees play a vital role in keeping spaces safe and litter free for all patrons to enjoy at all times.
The “policy decision” is supported by Protected Areas Act, which governs the protection and conservation of Guyana’s natural heritage and natural capital, the creation, management and financing of a national system of protected areas and the maintenance of ecosystem services of national and global importance including climate regulation.