no. Your Eyewitness isn’t talking about the lady who famously issued the “feral blast” heard all the way in Washington DC! He’s actually wondering about the nature of the five youths who bound, duct-taped, robbed and killed Prof Perry Mars in his home. A few years ago, when staid, proper London was overrun by marauding bands of youths – like the ones who snuffed out Mars’ life – the Home Secretary described them as a “feral underclass”.
They’ve got no ambitions beyond living in the fast lane with all the material appurtenances of the “in crowd” they see on the television. They don’t intend to work for the aforesaid bling, designer clothes and sports-star sneakers. That’d be infra dig. In fact, robbing others to bedeck themselves is part of the lifestyle and charm.
There’ll be all sorts of sociological, psychological and anthropological theories thrown out as to what “caused” these young people to do what they did. We already heard about one of the girls (17) thrown out of her home for “misbehaving” and being allowed to live with her boyfriend (16) at his home. With the permission of his mother!! What kind of mother allows two kids to set up house when neither of them’s working? How’d she expect them to get money for their food – much less the clothes and stuff?
Back in London, it was found that most of the young looters were repeat offenders – who’d been given “second chances” by the system. But how does the “system” expect them to change their ways when they’ve gotten no reorientation, no training and no motivation to change their lifestyle. It wasn’t as if there weren’t jobs. But the British youths refused them as too “low paying” – and were filled by Eastern European youths who’d arrived to make a living. The “feral youths” expected life to be handed to them on a platter, with a cherry on top!
What’s creating these feral youths here, is the same bleeding heart claptrap being peddled in Britain and elsewhere. The youths and others are OWED the good life. And they’ll, therefore, take it BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. These youths couldn’t care less that Professor Mars was a man who’d tried to understand his society and his people and tried to do what he could to help them. That he taught “Black Social and Political Thought” at University.
Even more ironic was that Perry Mars’ wife – Dr Joan Mars – had written one of those analyses explaining why young people like the five who killed her husband do what they do.
Her book piece was called “Postcolonial Policing and the Subculture of Violence in Guyana.”
While we have the “feral underclass”, it would appear we also have a “feral overclass” – some of the new politicians just plunked into office. They’re not as physically violent – but they’re just as amoral. Now you’d think with all the “talk” they threw on the departed PPP worthies –- and that’s all it appears to be with not a soul even charged after 30 audits – the new kids on the block would’ve been a bit more circumspect with their shenanigans, nuh?
Take the US decorated hero of the gold-bushes girls – “I is” Broomes, now moved from Labour to Natural Resources. She was already cited for owning mining lands she’d leased to a major mining company. That’s not a conflict of interest? Folks gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Now it’s revealed – “revealed” – not “announced voluntarily” as the seemingly still-born Code of Conduct demands – that the Minister’s daughter, who’s a foreign student, was given a permit to operate the Minister’s gold dredge.
Still no conflict? Maybe the gold bush brings out the “feral” in people.
…City Hall
Why’s Royston King so down on vendors? Your Eyewitness doesn’t mind him clearing up Stabroek Market Square. But can’t he fix up some of the empty stalls inside and “regularise” the vendors?