Fiasco of non-payment of Berbice security guards

Dear Editor,
Last week, we learnt of the fiasco involving Integrated Security Services (ISS) with the non-payment of its workers for, in as much in some instances of two months, was reported from the Berbice area.
My colleague, People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament (MP), Harry Gill is representing this cause. What is worrying is that officials of both Central and Regional Government allegedly in defence of the contractor, instead of addressing the issue based on merits of the claims raised by the workers, they sought to obfuscate the issue by saying that I, Juan Edghill is a shareholder/part owner of Integrated Security Services (ISS). This, obviously, was an attempt to have the guards drop their claims and to have Gill fade into the background and for the matter to die a natural death.
Editor, I would like to state publicly for the record that I, Juan Edghill, is not a Director or shareholder or part owner or is in any way, form or fashion connected to ISS. My position on this matter is clear, if you employ persons and they deliver services, they must be paid. The guards must receive their full benefits for services from ISS.
Against this backdrop, I am not at all surprised or dismayed by the attempts by the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change Government to hide their corruption, incompetence and nepotism by creating smokescreens. The corruption of the Government, in such a short period in office, stinks to the high heavens. They are undoubtedly unashamed, brazen and bold face in the execution of their devious plans, even when large number of persons are affected. They ensure that their small elite group receives maximum benefits.
We know as a country that individuals and companies with known alliances to the political directorate are sole sourced and awarded contracts to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, annually. A simple case and point is the Sussex Street drug bond that was sole sourced to a known PNC financier/supporter.
Now we have this developing situation of a contract being awarded to a shady character with no experience in the procurement of drugs and medical supplies being awarded contracts for GY$1.4 billion, for the procurement of medical supplies. That came on the heels of a lucrative fertiliser contract. Notably, this person’s only qualification is that he is the friend of the right people. This is the latest addition to the long list of persons without the requisite qualifications being either, handed contracted or employed with super salaries, most of them being relatives or friends of some senior Government functionary.
The list of corrupt deals and transactions of this Government, in just over two years, are too many to mention.
Guyanese beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Is this the righteousness, good governance and good life that you voted for?

Yours truly,
Juan Edghill, MP