Fifty ways…

…to abandon the recount
Back in the day, Paul Simon crooned a ballad that’s quite relevant to what’s gonna go down with this recount. It has to do with the fact that when folks really want to do something – in that case, dumping their lover – there will be tons of ways they can find. The ballad was “Fifty ways to leave your lover” and from Claudette’s last “plan”, she’s given the PNC at least 50 ways to mess up the recount.
As the song went, “ I hope my meaning won’t be lost or misconstrued/ But I’ll repeat myself at the risk of being crude/ There must be fifty ways to leave your lover/ You just slip out the back, Jack/ Make a new plan, Stan/ You don’t need to be coy, Roy/ Hop on the bus, Gus/ You don’t need to discuss much/ Just drop off the key, Lee”
From the word “go”, your Eyewitness has never given ANY shrift (much less “short shrift”) to any of Claudette Singh’s promises on getting the count –= then this recount – completed. And it’s not that she’s some kinda Manchurian Candidate or anything with the PNC suddenly saying “the code word” to get her to do the dirty –- with eyes all glazed and crazed. Nah…even with those heavy-lidded eyes, she ain’t no sleeper. Hell hath no fury like a judge bypassed – and revenge is being served cold!!
So, what can we expect?? Well, when are we ever gonna start, Bart?! After all, it’s up in the air whether the Caricom team that’s supposed to “watch over” the process will be willing to return when Claudette made the duration of the recount so open-ended. In this COVID season, can we really blame these persons if they baulk?? Someone floated a balloon that some personnel from the Caricom Secretariat might fill in. That could compromise the entire exercise since Mrs Granger worked in that institution for donkey years and surely has friends who’d turn a blind eye with the stakes being what they are.
Then there will be the actual counting. Can we really add, Brad? Remember when the count of the Reg 4 SoPs had to be halted on April 4 because of “disagreements” over the totals of the first eight SoPs after the resumption?? And this was without Mingo on the scene. With Mingo now officially out, what has changed?? And yes, Brad: we won’t be able to add!! And the process will be halted every other minute.
And if we ever get past the addition, are we in the clear, Blair? Nah!!
There’s always a friendly High Court Judge waiting to issue a get-out-of-jail card!!

…to buttress the Judiciary
In our Westminster-based Government – especially with Burnham’s innovation of an Executive on steroids – the Judiciary is the last bastion of our democracy. After all, since the Executive selects its Ministers from the MPs in the legislature, they’re all slavering for promotion and would never cross the top guy – even if it weren’t for Whips and crossing-the-floor legislation. Just look what happened when Charrandas decided to vote against his APNU/AFC!!
Well, the passing of former Chancellor Keith Massiah reminds us of the days when Judges took their role in the check-and-balance governmental structure seriously. From your Eyewitness’ perspective, Massiah’s finest moment was when, from the Appellate Bench, he stood up to Burnham’s naked attempt to bend the Constitution in the Teemal vs GuySuCo case.
After Burnham actually altered the Constitution – with his rigged supermajority – to get his way and the case was brought back to the courts, Justice Massiah – now the Chancellor – once again showed his mettle in the Mohammed Ali case – with Desmond Hoyte then President.
Your Eyewitness won’t quibble about him becoming Hoyte’s AG!!

…not to fight COVID-19
The PNC coalition’s demonstrating every which way how NOT to go about fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
Six weeks after the first COVID death, they’re only now establishing a SECRETARIAT?? Wankers!!