…on parking meter abomination?
The Government just announced it has “recommended” to City Hall it “suspend” the parking meter contract the Mayor and her Gang of Four signed away with Smart City Solutions. Carefully parsing their words, the spokespersons alluded to the separation of jurisdiction between the city and central government as setting obstacles in their desire to act more decisively. Yeah right!! So what’s really going on here?
First of all, this announcement is nothing more than another ploy to defuse a situation that is sooooo egregiously criminal, the Government had to APPEAR to be doing something before “something do it”. Like losing its support base!!Absolutely nothing will come out of this suspension. After the suspension and a few cosmetic changes to the contract – as before – the rape of the citizens of Guyana will continue.
Let’s cut to the quick on this matter – the Government has all sorts of arrows in its quill to handle the situation face front. Right off the bat, there’s the small matter of the Gang of Four violating the regs and not opening the contract for open bidding. This is the original poisoned tree and the bitter fruit it produced is irremediably also poisoned. Story done! Just tell the Gang of Four to have the contract rebid.
If the Smart City contract is as good as the City Hall clique says it is for them and Georgetown, there should be no objections from their quarter for this request. Nobody will be able to match them and everyone comes out smelling roses. But we know this ain’t gonna happen. For the simple reason that this contract is so unconscionably in Smart City’s favour, they’re gonna fight this to the end.
And what they know is where the skeletons are buried and this is literally their “get out of jail card”. The operators of Smart City are basically grifters as we pointed out before. They’ve sucked in the Gang of Four – and possibly some in the central government – into their scam so the threat is: Smart City goes down, they all go down. This bunch will not give up easily, since they won’t get such a gravy train easily again.
So, like we said before, the suspension of the contract will first and last have the protesters off the street – and this is what it’s all about. In three months, the Government is convinced the organisers would have irretrievably lost their steam because the object of their protest would have been removed.
What the protesters have to do is to make it explicit that what they are looking for is the CANCELLATION of the contract and a bidding process initiated.
…to Pradoville facts?
For years now, Pradoville II’s been touted by APNU/AFC as the quintessential act of PPP’s corruption and “self-enrichment”. What were the claims based on? At the centre – stated as absolute FACT – was Jagdeo and company moved an NCN transmission tower from the land at Sparendaam to make it available for the elite housing development.
AS a result of the millions expended to move the tower, the parties screamed the million per acre paid for the land resulted in “unjust enrichment”. Auditor Goolsarran figured the land should be worth million per acre – most of it being the cost of moving the tower. What also raised peoples’ hackles was the “arrogance” displayed to move a State structure for personal reasons.
Now it’s revealed the tower was moved because it interfered with the expansion plans for Ogle Airport!! But the damage is done, isn’t it?
Why let the truth stand in the way of prejudices?
…to Pradoville’s origins
Well, you could’ve knocked your Eyewitness over with a feather. Henry Jeffrey just revealed it was he who introduced the first Prado as a Cabinet staple. Leading to Pradoville I and II.
Our former Principal of Kuru Kuru Co-Op College a bourgeois? Oi vey!