A common mantra across the nation is, “things are really hard”. It is a simple and easily understood statement that encapsulates the harsh economic situation many are faced with daily. The belief is that it gets exponentially harder with every passing day. While many analyses have been done to explain its genesis, current realities and future outlook, relief does not appear to be within grasp thereby compounding an already bleak situation.
It has become increasingly difficult to find someone who offers a different view in terms of financial challenges being experienced. Even the affluent are not excluded especially those in the business sector. Some within this grouping are adamant that the deck continues to be stacked against them through unpopular tax policies, giving way eventually to decrease in business activities. For them, the mantra is, “things really slow”.
Many have spoken candidly but insist on being anonymous out of fear of being the reason to further hurt their business. Paramount is their concern of not wanting to criticize publicly in an effort to avoid any semblance of perceived political partisanship. This is understandable given the reality of repercussion that history painfully reminds of. While many would naturally prefer the protection of anonymity for their lamentations, others seem less constraint.
While governments generally cannot meet every need, prioritised national spending is expected to be implemented. Therein lies the profound disappointment and possibly betrayal felt. Coming in with tremendous goodwill on the promise of a better life, expectation was rife. For many, the reality is now harsher and cannot be masked. It would therefore be fair for them to question some aspects of public spending.
With D’Urban Park and ministerial salary increases and benefits being recurring decimals, the new monstrous fence around the Ministry of the Presidency may have gone unnoticed. Facelifts and renovations are good but should not be at the expense of the concerns of the nation’s workers.
They, the workers, will naturally question the justification for what can be described as diverted priorities. This includes huge sums already spend on furnishing, dietary needs, increase security and additional entourage vehicles. Aspects of these obviously cannot be compromised, however the question of what could have led to a mantra of “urgent priority”, seems only natural.
The proposed plantain chip factory in Leguan is left abandoned after millions spent. The initial idea was questioned, but passion for the endeavour and the justification for its construction were not short. What then could have led to the perceived halt in construction and by extension, operation? Were those sums ill-advisedly spent?
A plethora of questions can be asked, pertinently in the context of relevance as with other projects have since been abandoned. The multiple Commissions of Inquiry and frequent and extensive overseas travel while monies are being deemed unavailable for workers, are major concerns.
Clearly this will be seen as a demotivating factor, for all who toil honestly and laboriously to provide for their families. They can rightfully question priorities regarding their welfare which believably are being ignored as motivation and confidence wane. The unfortunate reality is that they have no choice but to endure as they try to eke out a livelihood. They also have no excuse to their dependents.
Unlike the Administration, which seems to be prioritising non-priorities, the workers cannot afford a parallel set of convenient priorities. Of course they would wish so as to free themselves of the heavy burdens carried. That logically derives a mantra of hope while swirling in despair.