First Lady Sandra Granger on Friday said she believes the financial independence of women will make them less vulnerable to abuse and advised that women use their skills to secure their financial freedom. Granger was at the time addressing 36 female graduates of her Early Childhood Development Workshop at a ceremony hosted in the Baridi Benab at State House.
“In this age when every single day we get up and read about people being slaughtered by so-called people who love them, I believe deeply, that once our women are financially independent it will be very difficult for people to hold them [captive] by telling them ‘you can’t do anything,’” the First Lady said.
The First Lady further noted that being independent does not mean the same thing as being wealthy, but having the education and requisite skills to earn.
“It doesn’t mean you have to be the richest person or the most famous person, it means that when you stand you know who you are. You know what you have in you and you can build on all the skills that you developed… a group of you can even set up your own community day-care centre,” she said.
Women Across Differences Coordinator, Clonel Samuels-Boston made similar statements in her address. She noted that too often persons are more aware of their limitations than their potential.
“You don’t need to be perfect because nothing is and no person is and that is okay…do not allow other people’s opinions and judgements to control the direction of your life… You are born unique for a reason, you are born to stand out, to be appreciated and loved for who you are… There are times when you will have failures in your life but it is what you do during those times that will determine the heights of your peaks,” she said.
The workshop was held in collaboration with the Social Protection Ministry and the Guyana Red Cross Society.