Home Letters Fire at the various dumpsites is dangerous
Dear Editor,
I don’t know if anyone has noticed but of recent, there have been many fires and many are of known/unknown origin. Recently one businessman was blamed for dumping used tires and lighting them. Time and time again he keeps doing that.
According to the various media, people complain over and over but sometimes were verbally abused by the businessman. Because lack of proper attention was given to the complaints, financial damages were caused on properties nearby. Will the culprit be forced to properly compensate the owner?
There are strict laws regarding the lighting of bush/wildfire or at the dumpsites/garbage heaps but for some reason, people keep lighting the fires causing discomfort to people and sometimes financial losses and they are not being penalised.
Editor, of recent, the fire engine sirens could be heard blaring almost every day and it’s mostly for wildfire or fires being lit at roadside dumps and now seemingly being a hot season, irresponsible persons, and it should be a cause of concern to those in authorities.
Around the area where I reside, many fires are being lit daily and in most cases, it causes great concern to many people/babies/animals and in some cases, the guilty person would be pointed out and no action would be taken against him/her.
Those in authority should enlighten the public about the dangers and its effect, enlighten them of their rights, protection should be provided when persons report anyone lighting or dumping garbage and charges being laid against those caught. This nonsense has been happening too long and it’s time it stops, don’t wait until it’s too late because the fires at the various dumpsites are dangerous.
Sahadeo Bates