Three persons were on Saturday morning rendered homeless after a fire of unknown origin obliterated their Lot 55 Vigilance, East Coast Demerara home. According to Adela Duncan, an occupant who resided with her husband Dennis Bagot in one of the two apartments, she was in the kitchen at around 11:00h when she heard an explosion followed by large flames erupting at the front of the home. “This morning I was cooking, and I hear something mek pow! This thing bust. From the time I hear this thing bust, when I look, I see fire in front ah the house. If you see this thing!” the visibly shaken woman relayed.
The destroyed home at Vigilance, East Coast DemeraraAdela Duncan
Duncan noted that upon seeing the blaze, she quickly ran out of the home and began shouting to alert neighbours.
“I run downstairs and starting shouting for Les. I said Les, Les watch, watch fire and when Les watch he said oh Jesus Christ,” she recapped.
The woman told Guyana Times that she was home alone at the time, and was unable to save anything since the flames engulfed quickly.
“Everything I loss. Is just wa I got on right now. All me money that I save, all my papers, my daughter papers that she give me to keep. Everything gone,” the grieving woman wailed.
The Guyana Fire Service was alerted but despite valiant efforts by the firefighters and residents, the building was completely burnt.
An investigation has since been launched.