A fire suspected to be electrical in origin completely ravaged two houses in a family yard at Tucville, Georgetown on Monday evening leaving at least 12 persons homeless.
The two houses located at Lot 3 Tucville Squatting Area were completely destroyed while another in the same yard had extensive water damage.
Reports reaching this newspaper stated that at about 08:00h the fire started in the 3rd building in the yard.
According to owner of the house saved, Omaelli Chester, she was in her home when she heard screams of fire!
“I was inside and I heard people screaming fire! fire! and I came outside and saw the back and middle houses on fire.”
The woman explained that upon seeing this, she ran outside and public spirited persons hurriedly formed a bucket brigade but was unsuccessful in saving anything.
“We started a bucket brigade but it did not work, the two houses were already ablaze” she grieved.
She further disclosed that neighbours assisted her in bringing out her valuables as the fire was starting to catch onto her property.
The visibly distressed owner of the house where the fire started, Nicola Junard explained that she smelt smoke and ran out of her home. She disclosed that the fire did not take long to spread.
“Before I could even process what was happening, the fire had already spread and started to catch on the middle house”.
Reports are that the owner of the middle house lives in Suriname and was made aware of the fire via telephone.
When the Fire Service arrived, there was not much that could be done since the fire had already engulfed the buildings. However, they worked assiduously to save the front house from being ravaged.
An investigation has been launched into the fire.