An uncontrolled fire on Sunday evening destroyed an uninhabited house along the Ogle Airstrip Road, East Bank Demerara, after firefighters were unsuccessful in containing the blaze.
The property after the fire was doused
Based on information received, flames started emanating from the property at about 21:30h.
Residents in the area would have been alerted by thick smoke and the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) was immediately summoned to the scene.
However, the tenders arrived at the said location without any water to douse the flames and then frantically began their search for a water source. By then, the two-storied building, constructed from wood, was completely damaged.
When Guyana Times arrived at the scene, neighbours indicated that vagrants would usually take shelter in the bottom flat of the house, which was unenclosed. The property stood without any fence and this allowed anyone to enter the yard.
Only a shell remains intact as the upper flat was severely burnt. Apart from this structure, there weren’t any other buildings in close proximity that were threatened at the time of the fire.