Home News First Lady commends CIOG for work done to assist vulnerable children
First Lady Sandra Granger on Saturday attended the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana’s (CIOG) annual fun day for orphans and vulnerable children, where she commended the organisation for its commitment to enhancing the lives of orphans and vulnerable children.
“There is the confluence of education and care and the building of better citizens, better students and a more stable society, through the various organs of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana. I would like to commend all the various officers of the CIOG for the work they are doing and the work they continue to do…,” Granger said at the organisation’s Woolford Avenue, Georgetown headquarters.
The First Lady noted CIOG’s inclusion of children from other organisations in its activities which she said also speaks to the organisation’s far reach across the country. She said too that she is pleased to have collaborated with the organisation on several of its initiatives.
Meanwhile, Vice President of the CIOG, Gulzar Namdar, thanked all partners for assisting CIOG in its various activities and programmes, particularly those that benefit children and the vulnerable. He encouraged the children present at the organisation’s annual fun day to make good use of the opportunities presented to them.
“This is the time we are all making an effort to make you happy so we want you to make sure that you utilise everything that is given to you,” said Namdar, as he addressed the children gathered at CIOG’s headquarters.
Some 400 children benefit from CIOG’s “Orphans and Vulnerable Children” programme. Each child receives a monthly stipend along with school clothing, textbooks, free medical examinations, as well financial assistance for extra lessons and the payment of examination fees.
The programme costs the CIOG a monthly sum of $2.1 million and is sponsored by both local and international partners.