Footballer charged for attempting to kill colleague

A footballer who used a broken bottle to stab a member of an opposing team found himself before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan charged with the indictable offence.
Jillian Knox, 25, of Lot 36 Pearl, East Bank Demerara (EBD), allegedly unlawfully and maliciously wounded Keith Dalton with intent to murder him on April 11, 2018 at Coverden, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
According to the facts of the matter presented by Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield, the two men who play for opposing teams had a misunderstanding on the day in question.
As such, an altercation ensued when Knox broke a bottle and dealt Dalton a stab to his right side.
Dalton was rushed to the hospital where he was admitted for three days.
Knox was released on $250,000 bail on the condition that he reports to the Timehri Police Station every other Friday until the conclusion of the matter.
He was also ordered by the Chief Magistrate to stay 50 feet away from the Virtual Complainant (VC) and witnesses in the matter.
Knox is expected to make his next appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on April 30, 2018.