Home Letters Former AG never contracted me on any civil case
Dear Editor,
I observed a letter to the Editor appearing in another section of the media on January 21, 2017, under the caption, “The double standard of Anil Nandlall” purportedly written by Carl Witherspoon. 
In the letter aforesaid, the writer inquired thus: “What about Manoj Narayan and Sase Gunraj who work in Mr Nandlall’s Chambers and who were contracted for many of the civil cases for the State?”
I wish to state categorically that I have never been contracted by Mr Nandlall in his capacity as Attorney General, or the Government of Guyana to appear in any civil case for the State.
In the circumstances, I hereby challenge Carl Witherspoon, if he does exist, to provide evidence of any single civil matter in which I appeared for the State, while Mr Nandlall held the office of Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister.
Upon his inability to do so, I expect an unqualified apology from him.
Yours faithfully,
Sase R Gunraj