Former BCCCC president Shabeer Baksh elected president of interim body

The Blairmont Community Centre Cricket Club (BCCCC), a founder member of the Berbice Cricket Board and the GCB’s Club of the Year 2018, has selected an interim body to govern its business until the next AGM, which is due in January 2021.

Shabeer Baksh, Shadeek Ishmael, Kevon Jawahir, Anthnony Sukra and Seon Glasgow (From top-left to right)

On Thursday, August 27, the players, members and parents met under strict COVID-19 guidelines and selected former President Shabeer Baksh, who was in charge of the club for the period 2010-2018, to lead the interim body.
His deputy is Region 5 Secondary Education Officer Sadiek Ishmael. Kevon Jawahir will serve as Junior Vice President and Treasurer, while the young and active Anthony Sukra, currently awaiting CXC results, will serve as Secretary. He will have Seon Glasgow Jr as his assistant in both positions.
Shabeer Baksh has promised full commitment to his role, and to work along with everyone for the betterment of all members, the community and the club. He congratulated everyone on their respective appointment, and wished them all the best. He disclosed that he is overwhelmed by the mixture of youths in the body.
Baksh reflected on his successes and failures in the past when he served as president, and said that, with his experience, he looks forward to BCCC improving and maintaining lofty values.
Vice president Sadiek Ishmael disclosed plans to bring his managerial and leadership skills to bear in enhancing the club’s standing. With his knowledge of cricket and his educational training and experience, he plans to work with the club to develop a mentorship programme to facilitate the BCCCC producing well rounded individuals, especially at the youth level.
The interim body has committed to assigning relevant council members and committees before 1st September 2020 to:
1)President- Shabeer Baksh
2)Vice President – Sadiek Ishmael
3)Jr President/Treasurer – Kevon Jawahir
4)Secretary – Anthony Sukra
5) Assistant Secretary/Treasurer- Seon Glasgow.