Former Policeman Milton Kewley was on Monday unanimously found guilty of raping a 13-year-old lad who was left in his care on August 22, 2013.
The 50-year-old man will know his fate today, when Justice Priya Sewnarine Beharry passes sentence at the Sexual Offences Court.
The jury’s decision was returned after more than two hours of deliberation, but it shocked Kewley, who had cutting words for the 12 jurors. He looked directly at the panel, telling them that they will all be judged for sending an innocent person to prison for a crime he did not commit. The offender professed his innocence several times, saying that the guilty verdict was a mistake, as it was based on false evidence.
With his voice breaking, he said he is not attracted to males.
“The jury has made a mistake, but in life we have to live with some of our mistakes,” he said.
He also claimed that the lad’s mother had set him up, as the case was well planned, since she had allegedly threatened him. Kewley said, too, that from here on, everything is in God’s hands.
“I will never have sex with any male. I know that I am innocent. God is my witness,” Kewley noted.
His lawyer, Maxwell McKay, did not request that a probation report be prepared. McKay, however, said the father of three is a member of a popular church organisation.
At Monday’s verdict, both the lad and his mother were seen sobbing. Ahead of today’s sentencing, State Prosecutor Lisa Cave asked for a heavy penalty because of the prevalence of rape in the society.
In being taken away from the court, Kewley was allowed to shield his face from the media.