The former overseer of the Number 52-74 Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) has been elected chairman for the area, which is the country’s largest NDC.
On Friday, a new 18-member council was sworn-in to run the affairs of the NDC. After taking their Oath of Office, a new Chairman and Vice Chairman were elected.

Davanand Chaitram, 56, a retired overseer, was elected chairman and Ahmad Rajab elected the deputy.
Chaitram served as overseer of the 52-74 NDC from 2005 to 2015 and had also been the overseer for the Crabwood Creek NDC, three years prior. He now manages a rice mill on the Upper Corentyne, Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne).
The new chairman plans to continue working in the best interest of the communities.
During an interview with >>>Guyana Times<<< he said that in order to achieve the best, the support of all councillors is necessary and integral.
Meanwhile, in brief remarks at the swearing-in ceremony, Office of the Prime Minister Representative Gobin Harbhajan congratulated the newly appointed chairman and vice chairman, along with the councillors, and urged them to work in the best interest of their community.
He urged them to put political issues aside and work towards the improvement of the living standards of everyone within the NDC: “I want to pledge my support as a government official and Regional Councillor to this NDC whenever needed,” he said.
The full Council comprises of Davanand Chaitram, chairman; Ahmad Rajab, vice chairman, Lakhram Singh, Biji Latchmunarine, Gamchan, Jason Gravsandy, Uranie, Deonauth Rajkumar, David Thompson, Estella Simpson, Latchminarine, Seewnarine Balgobin, Roopnarine Kowlassar, Praymwatti Taijram, Ramesh Chandr, Jailall Tahal, Messiah, and Shakuntalla Bhoj.