Former President Ramotar presents Standard to military museum

Former President and Commander in Chief, Donald Ramotar on Tuesday formally handed over his Presidential Standard for display in the Military Museum, Base Camp Ayanganna.

Former President Ramotar presented the Standard to Inspector General, Colonel Kenlloyd Roberts on Tuesday

During a simple, yet significant ceremony, the former Head of State said it was his pleasure to participate in the activity.
The design of the standard consists of a bold yellow-lined pyramid set against a blue background which has on its left upper right corner, the Cacique Crown, while a clump of trees is on the left. In the centre of the pyramid, is a flaming torch. A bold white wavy line runs from left to right at the base of the pyramid. In the centre of the pyramid is a pair of folded fists with breaking chains in the centre of a yellow-lined oval shape. All of these are set against a red background.
Explaining the significance of each symbol, Former President Ramotar first pointed to the pair of folded fists with breaking chains, stating that the chains symbolise the struggle and aspirations of the Guyanese people from the time of slavery, through indentureship, through colonialism and on to independence and the battle for democracy.
The flaming torch, he explained, embodies the hope and aspirations of all Guyanese to live a better life and improve themselves steadily and keep that flame of hope alive.
Born and bred at Caria-Caria village in the Essequibo River, the former Head of State said the clump of trees was inspired by the love for his hometown as the forests is one of the most important resources, particularly in light of climate change and its challenges internationally. The white line represents the rivers of Guyana. The yellow which lines the pyramid symbolises the objective of betterment while the blue background represents the Atlantic Ocean, and the red symbolises the fight against injustices.
The standard was later folded and Former President Ramotar presented it to Inspector General, Colonel Kenlloyd Roberts. The standard has been put on display at the museum among the standards of former Presidents Arthur Chung, Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan.
The presidential standard or presidential flag is the flag that is used in many countries as a symbol of the Head of State or President. In some countries, it is exclusively used by the President or is only raised where the President is present. (GDF)