Former Tourism Ministry PS refuses to vacate office
…Police called to escort her out
Former Tourism Ministry PS Karen Vanslytman-Corbin
Police were summoned to the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry to remove former Permanent Secretary, Karen VanSluytman-Corbin after she refused to leave the premises.
The former Government official has since accused Ministry personnel of blocking her from uplifting her personal belongings, taking into consideration that she was reassigned to another location and position.
In a video posted on social media after the incident, VanSluytman-Corbin related that she went to the Ministry to retrieve her personal items that were in her office but realised that the locks to the door were changed thus preventing her access.
She, however, related that she attempted to solicit a meeting with Minister Oniedge Walrond but her efforts proved futile. It was then she was reportedly confronted by Police and asked to leave the premises.
Also, in the video, she stated that she could not say the reason for the police turning up to escort her out since she did not behave in a disorderly manner.
However, the Ministry in a statement said that VanSluytman-Corbin was aware since last week that there was a new Permanent Secretary, Sharon Roopchand-Edwards. According to the Ministry VanSluytman-Corbin was also aware that she was reassigned to the post of Chief Administrative Officer.
“Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin was informed of her reassignment on Friday, October 9, while still at the office. Specifically, Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin was advised of her re-assigned position, job description, and place of work, which is the Sophia Exhibition Centre,” the release stated.
The Ministry’s statement pointed out that Vansluytman-Corbin told the subject Minister that she will not vacate the office of Permanent Secretary or accept reassignment.
“It is in this context that Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin’s reporting to work on October 12 at the Ministry’s premises on South Road instead of the Sophia Complex. Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin refused to leave the premises, and it was at this time, the police were requested to assist in escorting her therefrom,” the statement said.
The Ministry further explained that Vansluytman-Corbin requested to see the Minister but when prompted on the purpose, she indicated that she wanted to remove her personal items from the office.
“Permission to remove personal items under supervision was promptly given, and Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin secured same before exiting the building,” the statement read.
The Ministry reiterated that Vansluytman-Corbin remains a member of the Ministry’s team.