Foundering ships…

…in the government
In his parting charge to the PNC Congress, the newly reaffirmed Leader, President David Granger, engaged in a bit of wordplay. What was needed at this juncture of the party’s history, he said, were four “SHIPS” – Statesmanship, Stewardship, Leadership and Fellowship (SS LeadFell?). So who says historians are all deadly dull?
But Pressie was spot on about what it takes to run a country. So has the government in general and the PNC in particular been sailing the four “ships” – the SS LeadFell – since they took office last year?
We can do worse than begin with their stewardship of the nation’s welfare. While we all know man doesn’t live by bread ALONE, it’s kinda impossible to live WITHOUT it. So, decent jobs to generate income to purchase even the bare necessities of life rank pretty high on the “welfare” list of most folks.
And by this measure, the government’s stewardship hasn’t been quite up to scratch, has it? Even its fervent supporters in the Public Service are chomping at the bits that their “significant” salary increase hasn’t arrived yet.
Last year’s 5 percent and this year’s 10 percent just doesn’t cut it when your salary is, say, ,000 monthly. That’s what? 00 for a month or 0 per day? Especially when one compares it to the 50 percent salary increase the Cabinet awarded itself with a Minister now raking in 0,000 monthly, plus a car, driver, housing allowance, etc.. etc.
Statesmanship? Is this what the PNC calls rewarding a Cabinet Minister – who lied to Parliament – and cost the country 0M – by electing him to the Vice Chairmanship of the party? Is it statesmanship when the PM says the warehouse was a “spare” in case the other one burnt down? Or because traffic’s too heavy on the East Bank it’s better to have a warehouse in Albouystown?
Leadership? Well, your Eyewitness has a soft spot for Pressie, as his readers would know by now. But even his Missus would concede the ship of state needs a firmer hand at the wheel right now. From those on the outside looking it, it sure looks like the motto of the government is “every man for himself and the devil takes the hindmost”! If he’s to lead from the front, Pressie needs to throw some dead wood overboard.
Fellowship? Garnering only 5000 votes more than the PPP at the last elections – even with the help of the AFC – the PNC folks need to get off their high horses and reach across the aisle. That’ll be the only “fellowship” that can help Guyana at this time.
Anything else would be a fellowship of the damned.

…in the coalition
Lotsa folks whistle in the dark, to ward off jumbies – or at least to keep their spirits up by pretending they’re not alone in the world. When you’re desperate, you’ll do some weird things! Like leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan insisting the government’s doing a “wonderful job”! So exactly how does Ramjattan define “wonderful”?
Your Eyewitness would settle for the “good life” the coalition promised during the campaign. Is Ramjattan saying we’re living the “good life”?
If he is, then you can be sure he’s talking about himself. As a Vice President, the fella rakes in $11,135,064 per annum. Not bad, eh? Almost $1M monthly! And, of course, plus all the fringe benefits that aren’t so “fringe” when you put a monetary value to it. Like the duty free car that’ll be sold at a PROFIT of $22M in three years!
Just like other five that passed through his hands!! It’s the good life all right!

…of ambition
At the previous PNC leadership election, Mr Granger faced some stiff competition – including that from old hand Carl Greenidge. Carl claimed he was “cheated not defeated”! Lindeners also claimed their votes hadn’t been counted. This time, not a squeak. Was Greenidge even at the Congress?
The wonders incumbency and patronage can do for a party!!