Freak storm: Rebuilding works in Linden almost completed – CDC

…says several additional homes repaired

Workers executing rebuilding works

Following the passage of a freak storm through the mining town of Linden in Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice) last month, the Civil Defence Commission, working in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, had mobilised several contactors to begin immediate rebuilding works on several structures that had been affected.
Speaking with Guyana Times on Friday, Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), Patrice Wishart, said all minor repairs have already been completed, while most of the rebuilding works on severely damaged homes are nearing completion.
“We would have received the last set of building materials recently – earlier this week, rather – and the works are almost complete for most of the homes. The minor repairs have been completed; it’s the major repairs they are working on right now,” Wishart detailed.
He also revealed that following a walk-through exercise done by Public Works Minister Juan Edghill, wherein some 33 homes were identified to be repaired, several additional homes were so identified, and assistance has been rendered.
“We noticed a few other homes with minor structural damage, (and) we rendered assistance as was required,” he disclosed.

One of the recently-repaired roofs

Further, Wishart disclosed that the rebuilding process has been smooth thus far. “We are accustomed to (being) operational in these regards. I don’t want to say it was a walk in the park, but we understood what we had to do, and we executed it perfectly,” he said.

Several houses in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara- Upper Berbice), had been affected by heavy winds that swept through the mining town last month. Those structures were left exposed to the elements as heavy winds damaged and, in some cases, ripped off the entire roof of some homes. Moreover, flash flooding had also affected several residents as heavy rains washed through the town.
Following that freak storm, Public Works Minister Juan Edghill and Local Government and Regional Development Minister Sonia Parag, as well as officials from the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), conducted a walkthrough exercise at several communities with the express intention to render assistance to affected residents.
Through the efforts of central Government, materials such as hygienic products, food supplies, cleaning supplies, zinc and tarpaulins were made available for the benefit of affected residents.
Central Government also provided dinner for affected residents, while those whose homes were severely damaged were given the option of being housed at a shelter until further notice.
Additionally, in an effort to tackle the issue of flooding in the region, an emergency meeting was held by the Regional Disaster Preparedness Team, and it resulted in an on-the-ground assessment being done in various communities across the town in order to improve drainage and irrigation system within these areas. However, due to the inclement weather, progress on this initiative was subsequently delayed.