Free StreamTV access for GTT customers on 20 channels

GTT customers now have the additional value of accessing 20 television channels for free via the company’s StreamTV service.
StreamTV is a free video product featuring live TV channels including the highest rated primetime content from the US networks as well as live news.
The service first became available to GTT customers in December 2017, and has been receiving positive reviews from those who have been streaming.
Access is available on devices connected to fixed WIFI available through GTT’s DSL, Silver, Gold and Blaze High Speed Internet. There is currently a special promotional offer which also allows DSL Bronze customers access to the service until the end of February 2018.
The service can be activated through a browser by logging in at to register. Smartphones, tablets, PCs, and laptops are some of the common devices used to access the web application.
GTT’s StreamTV allows up to two simultaneous streams per StreamTV account and all of the live streams can be recorded for viewing up to 30 days later.
The available channels are ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, CW, One America News, Newsmax, AWE, Sankhya, TVG 28, HJTV, HGPTV, TBN, QVC, Three Angels, EWTN, Word and Daystar.