From Teacher to Headmistress, Linden Educator remains dedicated to her love for the classroom

By Utamu Belle

While Headmistress, Michelle- Austin Mendonca spends most of her time in her school’s office owing to administrative duties these days, she admits that her true passion lies within the classroom- imparting knowledge unto the students and sharing in their daily joys and laughter.

In the teaching profession for twenty- two years, Austin- Mendonca has spent a significant amount of years at the Wisroc Nursery school in Linden where she presently serves as Headmistress. She told the Sunday Times Magazine that she did not intend on becoming a Teacher at first but just considered it as one of two options which were available to her at the time. Fresh out of school high school, she decided on applying for teaching and another post with the intention of choosing whichever option was made available to her first.

“Initially I never wanted to be a teacher because I always said it was too much work, but here I am twenty- two years later”, she mused.

Out of her twenty-two years of teaching, she has only spent a few months at the Wismar Hill Nursery School while the rest of her years were spent at the Wisroc Nursery. She wouldn’t trade it for anything, as Austin- Mendonca explained that over the years she has developed a love for children and teaching, especially at the Nursery level.

“There are moments that I regret, where I felt things could have been better but my love for children has grown so much over the years. Especially this level, I love Nursery… I have developed a love for teaching and Nursery”, she exclaimed.

Having been recently promoted to Headmistress of the school where she has spent most of her teaching years, Austin- Mendonca now misses being in the classroom.

“I love making teaching aids. I love when you take it to the classroom and everyone is excited. I love it and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Right now, being in the office I feel as though my talent is being stagnated… you have stages, you have growth and I’m learning daily that you have to grow”, she posited.

She has assumed her role in office since last February and had juggled between the two at first, but she explained that it had been challenging. Nevertheless, she said she still ensures that she spends time with the students even though her roles have changed.

“My love is actually being in the classroom… I tell people everybody has their calling, mine is being in the classroom…at the end of the day I would still go to the classroom and sit with the children”, she related.

The students also keep her motivated, as she explained that she is greeted by shouts of “Teacher Michelle!” as she enters the school in the morning. This is sometimes followed by hugs or high fives from the students.

“I love that, to me by doing that you help them to relax for the day ahead so they feel comfortable. And that is the relationship I have developed with them…Everything I do here is because I love it. It feels like you’re home. It’s not just your workplace but it’s home”, Austin-Mendonca exclaimed.

During her years at the school, she said she has managed to see a lot of positive changes and is still working to achieve more. According to her, it is a learning process and she is confident that more can and will be achieved.

But she advised teaching entails much more than imparting knowledge.

“We’re all-rounders, we’re mothers, we’re nurses, we’re confidantes. I love it when they can come and say,’Teacher, this bothering me’ and I’ve learned how to tune into them…the love and the understanding that I’ve developed, I’ve learned to zero in on issues and deal with them…This is one profession you just don’t put your tools down and go home. When you leave you go home with these children on your mind and you study, ‘what could I have done differently?’, ‘what could I do to help?’”

Even at the level, she is now, she said she still tries her best to develop a close relationship with the students and teachers.

“It’s not just coming and teach and make aides and go out. It’s way deeper than that”.

The Headmistress also pointed to the need for Education to be revised and for classroom teachers to be more involved in the planning of the schools’ curriculum. She also noted that there is a need for schools to be more on par with technology.

“There is need for Education to be revised, to cater for this era we’re in. Because the curriculum that we had from years back would not apply. This is a technological age and we have to set the curriculum in a way that it embraces technology. As it is right now it’s not totally on par with that”, she explained as she stressed that teachers need to have their input in the planning of the schools’ curriculum and for a level playing field to be developed where everyone is comfortable. This, she explained can only be achieved through communication and collaboration of all necessary stakeholders.

There is also a need to accept that change has come in terms of education, Austin- Mendonca said.

She shared her hope for parents to realize that the Nursery level is the foundation for students and one which is necessary.

“Gone are the days when children would just come and play. Now they have so much that is being done. If parents can embrace the importance of Nursery Education it’s going to be so much more”, she stated, noting that

Teachers also need to embrace this level.

Austin- Mendonca also took a stance against brutality directed against teachers in light of recent incidents involving parents and teachers at schools.

“Gone are the days when school was a sacred place. You had full respect, now there is none…I don’t think that where we’re headed right now is good at all”, she stressed as she cited that it was different in times past when such issues were dealt with respectfully.