Home Letters Full confidence in PPP’s presidential candidate
Dear Editor,
Some people seem to feel that running a Government is a sole proprietor business – a one-man business – but this is so far from the truth.
It is a known fact that a Party goes into an election with a manifesto which sells the party to the electorate. If the party wins, then it is a team effort comprised of persons who should have the ability to deliver on those promises. In addition, there are many advisors who are strategically appointed to assist these persons. The presidential elect not only gives guidance but takes guidance.
In Guyana the coalition and the new kids on the block with their handful of supporters, some claiming to be disgruntled PPP members and supporters, are hammering away at the election of Mr Irfaan Ali as the PPP’s presidential candidate, making their repetitive rounds of personal attacks while claiming that he is “Jagdeo’s third term”.
Bharrat Jagdeo has always been the focus of attack in and out of Office; his salary, his pension, his “mansion” as is claimed. Yet even the Prime Minister is now earning more than him and living the “Cadillac” lifestyle. This Government utilised great efforts and massive financial resources to ensure that he does not get a third term as President since they are mortally afraid of his sharp intellect and his topnotch statesmanship. The decision of the Caribbean did not deter or daunt his spirit. It must be recalled by Guyanese that after the PPP’s defeat by a one-seat majority, he rose from the ashes like the proverbial Phoenix and began a political crusade that was unrelenting in exposing the corruption and thievery of the coalition. His weekly press conferences were just as eagerly looked forward to as “Days of Our Lives”!
Jagdeo’s relentless pursuit bore fruit and gave hope to the hopeless in this country which had begun to fall into the abyss of social and economic degradation. But while he did the Herculean task, some were waiting like hyenas to partake from the kill of the lion. A few of these were in the media headlines for all the wrong reasons! Now he is being vilified once again by those heartless opportunists who never even bat an eyelid for their country. But I know that it will never derail his focus of ensuring the good life for his people!
As I recall, when Donald Ramotar became the presidential candidate twice for the PPP, there were no cries, wails and gnashing of teeth. He was not seen as the surrogate or puppet of Jagdeo.
It was acceptable because they knew that they could outmanoeuvre him at any time. In fact, they dubbed him the “Lame Duck”!
The then Opposition took full advantage of this and Nagamootoo tabled a no-confidence motion which saw his Government’s downfall.
Ramotar was the ‘perfect’ opponent and the coalition wants another one. However, when one listened to the debates and presentations of Irfaan Ali, it is evident that he has what it takes not only to run this country but to destroy the corruption posse and thwart the efforts of the APNU/AFC to bring down his Government. He has that charisma, courage and competence and enough has been said about his achievements as a Minister. Let them call it what they want but Irfaan Ali is no Donald Ramotar and will never be an easy walkover!
As a member of the PPP, I am in total agreement with the election of any presidential candidate since I have full confidence in the ability of my Party to choose the best candidate.
The Central Committee has 35 potential candidates from which one must be chosen. When I was with the Alliance for Change I had no problem with either Trotman of Ramjattan being the presidential candidate.
When I joined the PPP I had no problem with Ramotar being the presidential candidate twice and today I have no problem with Irfaan Ali being the presidential candidate. Let us put Guyana first and focus on the removal of this corrupt Government. God Bless our presidential candidate and God Bless Guyana!
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf
RDC Councillor
Region Six