G/T agro-processors benefit from GNBS measurement training

Guyana National Bureau of Standards hosted a special metrology training session for Georgetown agro-processors on Wednesday

The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) on Wednesday conducted the final of its three countrywide special metrology training sessions to aid agro-processors to understand best practices for measuring their products.
This training was done in anticipation of World Metrology Day, to be celebrated on Saturday under the theme “Measurements supporting the global food system.”
“[This training] is basically to introduce (agro-processors) to measurements, for them to understand why they need to measure, why they need to [do so] accurately, and the importance of that in terms of ensuring quality control,” said Shailendra Rai, GNBS Head of Legal Metrology.
“Also, when they pre-package their products, they [need to ensure they do so] accurately, so whatever quantity they declare on the package is what the consumers actually receive,” Rai added.
This training session saw about 30 agro-processors and manufacturers of food products within Georgetown, while the other two similar sessions the GNBS held earlier in Essequibo and Berbice saw approximately 20 each.
“The takeaway for manufacturers should be that measurements are not something you do by guessing. You must have an accurate measuring instrument, [and] instruments must be verified by the GNBS or calibrated, because calibration is also important in ensuring accuracy,” said Lloyd David, GNBS Head of Corporate Communications.
Accurate measuring tools combined with trained personnel who understand the implications of inaccurate measurements, David explained, would result in accurate and reliable measurements.
“That’s what consumers look for. They don’t want to have doubts in their measurements when they buy products. So, the GNBS is working to guide these manufacturers as well as protect consumers,” David said.
These training sessions have been welcomed by agro-processors, with many eager to improve their operations, Rai shared.
At the training session on Wednesday, Marcia Gonsalves of Marcia’s Products – which manufactures cassava bread, cassareep and coconut oil, among other products – relayed that this session was a positive learning experience for her. “I’m willing to learn anything that can make my products better, and to always enhance them,” Gonsalves said. “I’ve learned how to do different measurements, and why it is important to get it right to put on the labels.”
Likewise, Govinda Singh, Marketing and Sales Manager at Roy’s Quality Products –which produces spices and seasonings – also shared how this training would benefit company operations.
“Measurements are very important in the industrial sector; manufacturing especially, which we are a part of. We need to ensure that our measuring instruments are calibrated and verified to better serve our customers,” Singh said.
As a continuation of their World Metrology Day activities, the GNBS is also launching the “verification of net content” programme on Friday.
“This programme is basically checking the pre-packaged products – both at the sale outlets level and the manufacturing entities level – to ensure that whatever net quantity is declared on the packages are accurate. And if there is need for corrective action, the proprietors can take the necessary action to correct them,” Rai explained.