…urged to serve communities not political interest
Newly-elected President of the recently-resuscitated Guyana Association of Municipalities (GAM), Carwyn Holland believes that the Association has a pivotal role to play in the advancing of municipal development.
Holland recently told Guyana Times that the newly-instituted executive body represented a diverse group of individuals who were willing to work towards advancement of the cause of municipalities through the Association.
Other executives include Vice President Gifford Marshall, Mayor of Bartica; Treasurer Patricia Chase Green, Georgetown Mayor; Secretary Kurt Winter, Mayor of New Amsterdam; Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Councillor Kurt Fraser and Linden Deputy Mayor Waneka Arindell. Holland noted that one of the first things
GAM President, Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland
the group would be seeking to do was to host consultations with each municipality. He said he expected executives to meet within the confines of their Councils and conduct consultations within their communities to determine issues which were affecting the people. This, he noted, is in an effort for the GAM executive body to have a better understanding of what is lacking and to determine what could be done to assist. Holland noted that members had spent months discussing pertinent issues affecting municipalities which were brought to the fore during the recent mayoral conference, and it was realised that there were numerous similarities.
“We’ll be able to discuss issues with one front…With the municipal conference and the resuscitation of GAM, it shows that Guyana can unite…that’s why I’m very happy that our mayoral comrades came together and put forward a great effort to better the Local Governance organ,” Holland said. He further stated that he was moved by the commitment of Mayors across the country towards more meaningful and collaborative relationship between municipalities. Holland said he would implore municipal leaders to serve in the interest of the people as opposed to political interest.
“I believe that with GAM now in place, we can look at the various issues affecting each individual municipality and we can present one united front to the Government irrespective of party or whose dominance is in Council.”
“We are looking at the people, because we were elected to serve the people. We were not elected to serve a political interest. We were elected to serve the people of our constituencies of our municipalities. We have to be servant leaders, and as President of GAM, it is something I would implore on all of the municipalities, that they be servant leaders,” he noted.
Additionally, Holland said executives would also be looking to visit the newly- established towns so as to set them on a trajectory which would make their operation easier. “We will offer our guidance…support, so that we can make representation on their behalf as well, to Central Government. Especially in areas that are in much need… I am thankful and I believe that we can move forward from here, developing our communities,” he said.