Ganja found in old cinema yard at Plaisance

Police acting on information went to Victoria Road, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD), where a search was carried out at the old cinema yard during which a quantity of marijuana was unearthed.
While at the location, ranks of the mobile patrol observed a green strap bag in a clump of bushes and same was retrieved. An inspection was done and several zip lock bags containing the ganja were found.

The ganja that was found

The area was canvassed but no one was seen in the vicinity where the drug was found.
The narcotic was taken to the Sparendaam Police Station where it was weighed and amounted to 88 grams.
Just a few days ago, a 42-year-old man was arrested after a quantity of ganja was found at his Number 30 Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB) home.
Reports are Police, acting on information, went to the home of the man where 3928 grams (8 lbs) of cannabis was discovered. The suspect was told of the offence, cautioned, arrested, and escorted to the Fort Wellington Police Station, where he was processed for court and subsequently charged.