GAWU condemns working conditions at Guyana Manganese Inc

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) has condemned the treatment meted out to workers at Guyana Manganese Inc (GMI), who are reportedly forced to work under harsh conditions.
The Union in a release stated that the commitments to the workers and the community prior to the company’s establishment have been ignored.
“Our Union reiterates that all firms must respect workers’ rights and treat them with dignity. It is simply unbelievable that firms are seeking to benefit from our natural wealth yet fail to uphold even the basic rights of our workers, and people,” GAWU stated in a missive.
The Union was informed that it appears as though the GMI was actively side-lining the workers in favour of foreigners, stating that the tasks being carried out by foreigners can be done by locals but for some reason, they are denied such opportunities.
The workers are of the belief that the company is indirectly forcing them to resign.
Also, the workers made comparison to the housing conditions and provision of meals for those who reside outside of the community. They pointed out that the foreigners enjoy adequate housing and appropriate meals, whereas in their case, the situation leaves a lot to be desired.
In addition, the workers are upset by the attitude and demeanour of particular supervisors who treat them disdainfully. Moreover, they related that skilled employees are being asked to undertake tasks that are well below their skillset.
They said they found this demeaning especially considering extensive training they would have undergone. Workers indicated too that they have learnt that their statutory deductions were not being paid over to the relevant agencies
The Union stated that they stand with the workers and is prepared to continue to advocate their call for their rights to be upheld and for them to enjoy decent work. They also encouraged GMI workers to continue to engage them in order for them to better understand their plight and be able to highlight the difficulties they are facing.
Only last Friday, the Union made a statement quite identical, regarding workers in the oil and gas branch, where they revealed that their rates-of-pay when compared to foreign nationals are essentially “chalk to cheese”, even though they undertake similar duties. Apart from this, they stated that they were required to work extended periods consistently, they were made to do work that did not align with their official duties, and even the recruitment process favoured foreigners, amongst other unfair treatments they were facing.
The Union has stated that it is a serious concern, and that they hold that no Guyanese should be made to feel as a second-class citizen in their own country, especially since history is replete with examples of the struggles of Guyanese to overcome such tendencies and we cannot countenance any return of such periods in now independent Guyana.
The GAWU Oil and Gas branch had committed to standing beside these workers and offering representation on their behalf.