Home Letters GAWU will continue to champion workers’ cause
Dear Editor,
We refer to Andre Marks’ letter “Will GAWU provide for sugar workers given the billions collected in union dues?” which appeared in one of the newspapers on December 10, 2017. Though we wished what Marks said was true, we must unfortunately advise him and the public that our Union despite being the recognised bargaining agent for the field and factory workers, has not collected billions he referred to over the 40-odd years we have represented the workers.
Further, through the payment of dues, we have represented workers collectively and individually, as the case may be, to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) as they would have required. In some instances, significant sums were expended to pursue matters at arbitration and through the judicial system. When that is juxtaposed against the sums we received, it says a lot. Added to that, the Union has its expenditure to meet in providing representation to the workers; certainly it would have had to be met from the income we received. And though thousands of workers will no longer remain in GuySuCo’s employ and, therefore, cease being financial members of our Union, the GAWU will continue to represent them and champion their cause.
We also wish to share with Marks that GAWU during that time assisted the workers with strike relief, achieved such feats through the kind-hearted support of many individuals and organisations that stood in solidarity with the workers. At this time, we remain open to working together with others in assisting the workers.
Yours faithfully,
Seepaul Narine
General Secretary