GBA praises $4.6B allocation for Sport in Budget

The Guyana Badminton Association (GBA) has expressed its appreciation for Sport’s improved Budgetary allocation of $4.6B in the recently presented 2024 National Budget.
The Association shared the following sentiments: “The Guyana Badminton Association hails the 2024 Budget under the theme “Staying the Course: Building Prosperity for all” as transformative for Guyanese and a timely boost to the Sports sector.
The historic budget of $1.146 trillion demonstrates the current administration’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life for all Guyanese citizens.
The Guyana Badminton Association is particularly happy with the $4.6 billion that has been set aside for sports, and the elimination of VAT on sporting goods. This is a positive development for sports in Guyana, because it relieves parents’ and sports clubs’ financial burdens related to purchasing essential equipment, inter alia.
“The emphasis on enhancing and expanding athletic facilities as well as funding for the sports academy will help to improve the state of sports in Guyana.
“Additionally, it shows that the administration recognizes the value of sports in promoting physical fitness and public health, both of which can eventually lower healthcare expenditures. Sports also encourage social inclusion and community involvement, as well as pride in and unity within the country.
“The GBA has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to the development of badminton in Guyana. We achieved great heights in 2023 by competing in several local and international events, winning three silver medals at the T&T International and a medal at Junior Carebaco.
“Additionally, numerous players from the Nursery Badminton Academy competed fiercely in both local and international tournaments, contributing to the association’s amazing results.
“The Guyana Badminton Association also wants to emphasize the solid relationship it has built with the National Sports Commission, and by extension the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport. This cordial relationship has assisted the GBA in accomplishing its objectives, and has made it possible for our Executives to work with greater ease and assurance.
“The GBA would like to convey its sincere gratitude to hhe Honorable Charles Ramson, Minister
of Culture, Youth, and Sport, the Director of Sports and the National Sports Commission for their ongoing support and commitment as we continue to promote stronger partnerships in 2024.”