Gbay Deals was created on Facebook 11 months ago as a regular group but it has touched the lives of many Guyanese. It is the first online market place where individuals could buy, sell or trade locally used or new items.
It has developed into a living business network, where persons are now able to work two jobs and still earn that extra income.
It even gives the young entrepreneurs the advantage of becoming business orientated as it offers them an open playfield with unlimited options. Presently it consists of over 26,000 local members while being professionally managed between eight individuals who have placed their best feet forward.
Because of its potential, the management is able to invest in an app and website so they can have better management since Facebook limits its control and privileges.
The app and website will be launching on December 1. This will give users many more features, whereby they can obtain their own virtual store and build a reputation for themselves and business in the near future.
The best part is that this it will be absolutely free like Facebook; just with more features and advantages for users. This venture has been financed by Cell Point and as such, Gbay Deals would like to extend special thanks to the management and team of Cell Point for making it possible.