GBTI staff donate 25 units of blood in annual blood drive
The Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) on Thursday hosted its annual blood drive at its Water Street branch, garnering 25 units of blood, all donated by staff of its Georgetown branches.
Veteran donor Christopher Mackintosh donating blood on Thursday
This was the eighth year that the blood drive was held in collaboration with the Public Health Ministry/National Blood Transfusion Service to coincide with the observance of World Blood Donor Day on June 14.
Water Street Branch Manager, Juanita Persaud said the bank
Mercedes Low-Koon at the blood drive hosted by GBTI
decided to proceed with the activity as it sees it as a Corporate Social Responsibility and the necessary health and safety COVID-19 precautions were in place and practiced.
“For a while, we wanted to postpone the activity, but we saw the calls by the blood bank for blood especially during this time and we wanted to make a contribution. We are happy we heeded the call. The staff responded well, as usual, and we wish to thank them for donating so selflessly,” she said.
Among those donating were veteran donors Christopher Mackintosh, Christine Chin-Kanhai, Esther Marville, Yuvraj Bhagwandeen, Adeeb Bacchus, Mercedes Low-Koon, Sherisha Adams, Godwin Fernandes and Mahendra Deonarine. Among the first-time donors were Susan Ghanie, Raneesha Ramnanan, Mickelo Dodson and Scott Johnson.
“I always wanted to donate, I always wanted to feel what it is like,” Ghanie said.
Dodson echoed similar sentiments while Ramnanan, who was eager but fearful, said, “It was a good feeling and a wonderful experience. I would definitely be donating again.”
The bank expressed its gratitude to the staff and its partnership with the National Blood Transfusion Service and the Ministry of Public Health.