GDF rank critical after being shot during home invasion

A 22-year-old member of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) is fighting for his life following a harrowing encounter with two masked intruders, who broke into his home at Block 8, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
Private Azim Khan sustained a gunshot wound near his heart during the confrontation.

Injured: Azim Khan

Reports are that the incident unfolded in the early hours of Sunday while Khan and some relatives were gathered in the kitchen. Reports indicate that Khan was in possession of cash and other valuables, which the intruders sought to steal upon entering the house.
A struggle ensued when Khan resisted, resulting in one of the assailants firing a shot that struck him in the chest.
“The men came through the front door, and they walked into the kitchen area, and he and them started fighting. He didn’t know he was shot until when the men were gone,” a family member told Guyana Times.
Khan was rushed to Georgetown Public Hospital, where his condition remains critical. His family disclosed that his injuries include damage to his heart, spleen, and lungs, and he was unable to speak or move.
“He is still critical; the doctors say it’s a 50-50 chance of survival, but we are hoping for the best. He cannot talk or move or anything….His heart is damaged, he has a spleen issue, and his lungs are damaged. If he survives, he will have lifelong complications,” the family member said.
Following the incident, the matter was reported to the Police. The family is pleading for justice, urging authorities to apprehend the suspects, who remain on the run, and ensure they face the full consequences of their actions. (G9)