Home Letters GECOM must get rid of all un-wanted elements
Dear Editor,
It is most opportune for the Commissioners at the Guyana Elections Commission, along with Chairperson Justice Claudette Singh, to assert themselves and fully discuss the ‘notorious’ three fraudsters’ serious charges, who are before the courts, and dismiss them.
This nation must not accept any further delays, and GECOM must get rid of all the suspects and unwanted elements who are employed at the Commission. The Commission took a decision to send the ‘Trio’ on leave.
Further, it was agreed that the motion moved against them by Commissioner Bibi Shadick, Sase Gunraj and Manoj Narine at a statutory meeting of the Commissioners would be fully discussed with a view to bringing the matter to conclusion. The actions by several GECOM staff members, particularly the ‘Trio’, are a matter of serious concern, because the nation has lost faith and trust in GECOM as an organisation.
It is indeed totally disrespectful and very bad for the Opposition members of the Commission to walk out of a statutory meeting, as they continue to frustrate the work of the Commission in an effort to delay natural justice. The issue of a quorum must be dealt with by the Chairperson, as the laws provide for such issues.
Article 226 (5) of the Guyana Constitution makes provision for the absence of that quorum.
While, the PNC commissioners can continue to attempt to delay the process, Article (5) (b) provides that if, at any stage of a duly summoned meeting, a quorum is not present due to the absence of members without just cause, such just cause being determined by the Chairman, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a day not later than two calendar days; the meeting shall stand adjourned to the following day at the same time and place, and notice of such adjournment shall be given to the absent members; and if, at the adjourned meeting, a quorum is not present, the members then present being not less than four, including the Chairman, shall be deemed to constitute a quorum, and any decision made at that or any such meeting shall be valid in law and binding.
Local Government Elections must take place this year. GECOM has been allocated a substantial amount of money to run off the elections. GECOM must cleanse itself of the “riggers”, and proceed with preparation for the LGEs this year.
While Lowenfield, Myers and Mingo are on administrative leave pending the outcome of the decision by GECOM on the motions seeking the dismissal of the ‘Trio’, it is imperative that the Chairperson do what is expected, and make sure we get free and fair LGEs.
Lowenfield’s open defiance of court orders in his deliberate attempts to fraudulently declare the APNU/AFC Coalition as winners of the March 2nd 2020 General and Regional Elections must not be condoned.
The several deliberate attempts and disrespect showed by Lowenfield to the Commission, and the Chairperson in particular, are enough for his immediate dismissal. As for Deputy CEO Myers, she was disrespectful to Commissioner Sase Gunraj, and she brought this nation into disrepute when she embarrassed the international observers, particularly the head of the Commonwealth Mission, Owen Arthur. As for Mingo, mere words cannot adequately describe his atrocious behaviour. However, we must not forget that he resides in Region 5, and he is a permanent staff of GECOM, who was catapulted to Region 4 as the Regional Officer. The public is complaining about his activities in West Berbice.
All eyes are on GECOM, and expectations are high that the Madam Chairperson would assert her authority and bring an early end to the impasse at GECOM’s next statutory meeting. Dismiss the ‘trio’ now!
Neil Kumar