Dear Editor,
With the unilateral appointment of the new GECOM chairman, the commission is moving in a go-slow or frustrated mode of work. The commission has opened only the GECOM main centres in the country, and this is causing serious inconvenience to persons who access these offices, especially in Region 6.
Imagine, to do a transaction at these GECOM offices, you have to spend close to four hours, or even more; this includes waiting time and the actual transactions. An individual has to take time off to get their transaction done at GECOM, and is indeed losing time and money, and is being deprived of their rights to register or correct situations that can hinder them from being an eligible voter in any elections.
GECOM is mandated with the responsibility to ensure citizens are being tended to in a timely and comfortable manner.
The commission is trying to frustrate the citizens by using only the main offices, to create a build-up of residents, which leads to frustration and causing them to leave without completing their transaction.
GECOM needs to put in more offices to take off the burden on the few centres, so that residents can have their issues addressed in a timely and comfortable manner, to ensure a person or persons is/are not deprived of their rights to vote.
So, residents are asking that more centres be established immediately, in order to allow residents to do their business with GECOM in a timely manner.
My personal opinion is that this sloth can be the first step in preventing people from voting in the next elections, so I can be wrong if GECOM corrects this situation immediately.
Zamal Hussain
RDC Councillor
Region 6