Geeta Chandan-Edmond resigns as PNCR General Secretary

Geeta Chandan-Edmond

Opposition Member of Parliament Geeta Chandan-Edmond has reportedly resigned from her post as General Secretary of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R).
Guyana Times understands that in her resignation letter, which was sent to Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton on Wednesday, she thanked the Party for its support during her tenure as General Secretary.
Her resignation reportedly stemmed from concerns expressed by senior members of the party about her performance. Up to the time of her resignation, she was on leave of absence from the party.
Back in January, the former Magistrate had replaced longstanding PNCR Member Amna Ally, who had served as the party’s General Secretary since June 2017. At the time of Chandan’s appointment, she was serving as an APNU/AFC Member of Parliament and had enjoyed the support of the membership of the PNCR, as manifest in her election to the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the party, the missive detailed.
According to the party, Chandan-Edmond, a lawyer by profession, possesses management skills and good human relations skills that make her suitable to be General Secretary of the PNCR. Chandan-Edmond is a former member of the Alliance For Change (AFC), the minority party in the coalition Opposition. Last year, her husband Joel Edmond resigned from the AFC.
Chandan-Edmond, also a former Magistrate, had worked in the then Ministry of the Presidency (now Office of the President) under then Minister of State Joseph Harmon while the coalition was in office, and had served on State Boards and Commissions.
Her appointment to the position of that party’s General Secretary had come on the heels of the resignation of the incumbent Amna Ally earlier that week as Chief Scrutineer for the APNU/AFC.
In her report to the PNCR’s 21st Biennial Delegates’ Congress in December 2021, Ally had indicated her intention to step down from the General Secretary post.