Getting back to where you belong

Dear Editor,
The AFC and PNC or PNCR, both held congresses this weekend, Aubrey Norton retains leadership in that ridiculous one man show. It is typical of the man as he went about his autocratic style run for power and for something he eventually got. He is now at the top of the food chain, an embodiment of the PNC.
Now, my focus turns to the AFC and their party elections, here again we see former leader
Khemraj Ramjattan vacating his position to make way for Nigel Hughes. So, let me ask Mr. Ramjattan a few questions, was your recusal from the leadership position voluntary, or was it a situation where you were forcefully pushed out of the way, which is it?
In my evaluation of either scenario, I believe the latter, that you were kicked out because you are no longer an asset to the party. One would recall, the sole purpose of a Ramjattan in that party, that is, to bring in the Indian votes, that did happen in the 2015 election, however, things took a dramatic turn in the 2020 election when those Indians returned to the fold of the PPP/C. It was a matter of commonsense, where the Indian returned to his roots, you cannot tell me you can so callously close the estates, put thousands out of a job, yet, you expect those same individuals to vote for you? It just does not happen that way, the People were simply asked to do the impossible, thus they willingly rejected the servile AFC together with their bullying counterpart, the PNC.
The scenario I’ve painted above, has become a nightmare for Ramjattan, he is no longer relevant in that grouping, and rightfully can be described as a persona non grata. So, being in that status the likeliest thing to do was to move out of the way. Mouthing platitudes of “The AFC being alive, kicking and dangerous,” goes contrary to what actually is, the point is, you have outlived your usefulness and you are no longer wanted there.
Relevance can only come when you are in a party that cares for people, I am talking about all the people – Red, Yellow, Indian and Amerindian – that can never come from a grouping like the AFC. So, spending much time at the bottle would not change anything, drowning your fears in alcohol only makes a bad situation worse. Ramjattan needs to do the honest thing and return to his roots in the PPP.
He can seek advice from Compadre Charandass who did the honest conscience thing, and bolted before it was too late. Well, Sir there you have it, just get back to the place where you rightfully belong, join the One Guyana Team.

Neil Adams