GFF donates equipment to Buxton United FC

…Commends Club for successful summer grassroots programme

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has furthered its commitment to grassroots football development with a donation of essential equipment to Buxton United Football Club (BUFC). The donation coincided with the conclusion of Buxton United FC’s successful five-day inaugural “Summer Grassroots Football Camp, which aimed to nurture budding football talent in the community.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, GFF President Wayne Forde recognized the significance of Buxton United’s efforts, highlighting the importance of grassroots development to the sustainability of football clubs. He shared his personal experience, stating: “Before I became the President of the Guyana Football Federation, I served as the President of Fruta Conquerors Football Club, and almost 20 years ago, I started the first summer program at the club. I sponsored it, and I did that for a few years. The club eventually attracted other sponsors, and they’ve been running that program every year for 20 years.”

GFF President Wayne Forde makes a presentation to Buxton United FC

Forde commended Buxton United’s leadership and urged the club to continue growing the program, with a focus on increasing participation from both boys and girls in the community.
He challenged the club to develop a strategic plan for grassroots football, saying, “The Guyana Football Federation is happy to participate in these events, but more importantly, we are eager to support them. I am challenging President Victorine and his team to present to the GFF, in a few weeks, a strategic plan for grassroots football development at this club level… We can all agree that the future of football within this community and our country at large is heavily dependent on sustained grassroots development programs primarily at the level of football clubs – football clubs are the corner stone in the foundation that any meaningful player developemnt program is built on and grassroots football is fundamentally, the first layer of that foundation. Grassroots is where the dream begins.”
Buxton United FC’s President, Curbette Victorine expressed his gratitude for the support received from the community and sponsors. “To everyone who heeded our call and helped to make it the success it has been, thank you Guyana Shore Base Inc., James Blair Mining Company, Ansa McAl, Guyana Beverages Inc., and all others for your support. We look forward to developing sound partnerships with you all as we roll out our youth football agenda,” he said.
The equipment provided by the GFF will be used exclusively for Buxton United’s grassroots program, ensuring that young players in the community have the tools they need to continue their football journey.
Buxton United FC plans to expand the program in the coming months, with efforts to increase participation and enhance family involvement in supporting the growth of youth football.