Eight-year-old Jacara Trotman, who had developed a brain tumour and was in need of urgent surgery, succumbed on Thursday at her Coverden, East Bank of Demerara (EBD) home. The child was a Grade Four pupil of St Mary’s Primary School.
Following her passing, the girl’s mother, Alicia Loncke, noted that the family had solicited the public’s assistance to send her overseas to undergo a surgery.
Her mother had stated that the child lost sight in both of her eyes and as such, had to conduct a Gamma Knife surgery overseas, which would have cost at least $50 million in the United States.
She had also stated that the said surgery would have cost $14.5 million in Columbia minus the cost for therapy.
It was reported that after the child’s mother noticed a change in her handwriting, she sought medical advice and was further referred to an eye specialist at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan was done but nothing was detected in her eyes. She was subsequently referred to a brain surgeon who informed her that the child had a brain tumour that was affecting her eyesight.
She had indicated that Guyana did not have the necessary equipment for the surgery, hence the need to travel overseas.