

Every day, we’re being bombarded – and rightfully so – by warnings of “Global Warming”, caused by the use of fossil fuels for over two hundred years by countries now defined as “developed”. Global Warming’s gonna increasingly change weather patterns and weather phenomena like hurricanes and rising sea levels, to eventually make our planet uninhabitable!! But most folks are quite blasé and – led by the same developed countries – are insisting that under-developed countries lead the shift to new sources of energy. While they blithely explore to find new petroleum reserves to continue burning fossil fuels – and (of course) money gaffa mek!! — probably because Global Warming’s destructive results have taken time to be manifested, folks are lulled into a false sense of complacency.
But there’s an even greater danger to our planet’s existence, and this one will do the dirty in a matter of days, but yet we see the same complacency!! And what is your Eyewitness – who ain’t no alarmist – talking about?? Global WARming!! Get it?? The danger of a new Global War breaking out any day now, that’ll make WWI and WWI and all the other wars between look like playing tiddlywinks!! And the evidence?? Let your Eyewitness count the ways – and means.
There’s the war in Ukraine, launched in Feb 2022 with the invasion of Russian troops as a “Special Military Operation” – SMO. The name implied it would be a quick dash across the border to knock some sense into the Ukies – who seemed to have forgotten they were called “Little Russia” for the longest while. More to the point, they were clamouring to join NATO, which was formed after WWII to contain the USSR’s ungodly communism. But NATO – with the addition of a dozen other countries since – was encircling the rump state of Russia — which insisted it was minding its own business, and not threatening any of its neighbours!!
Now, even though Ukraine had a formidable armed force, it was no match for Russia’s, but the danger arose from Ukraine being supported by the US and its NATO allies!! These are therefore NUCLEAR powers facing off against each other – and Russia had already warned that it would use its nuclear weapons if push comes to shove!!
Then, of course, there’s the genocidal war in Gaza, where a nuclear-armed Israel is ultimately a proxy the US supports against the Iranians whom they figure also have the BOMB – or can put together one in a jiffy!! Even though the Iranians have been surprisingly circumspect, Israel appears willing to push the envelope!!
Then, over in the Far East, nuclear China’s pushing its own envelope to seize Taiwan and integrate it into its maws!! The Yanks are committed to defending Taiwan.
WWIII in the offing??

Alexander Pope pithily observed hundreds of years ago: “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”!! While the observation still holds, unfortunately, it would appear that the number of fools has since increased exponentially– and made the world a much more dangerous place. The problem is that fools don’t have any plans, tactics, or strategy, but are still convinced of their own greatness and infallibility!!
We see this operating in the political realm here in Guyana – from both sides of the political divide. Right now, it’s exemplified by the Opposition’s reaction to Pressie’s speech to Parliament, in which he announced a plethora of initiatives with a veritable cornucopia of goodies aimed at the populace. The Opposition complains that – with the election a year away – the Government’s “politicking”!!
Well, duh!! When the Government focused for four years on strategically building infrastructure, the Opposition complained they weren’t helping folks in the here and now. And now they’ve done this, it’s politicking??
Gwan da side!!

As your Eyewitness witnesses demagogues jumping on soapboxes offering solutions to our problems, he’s reminded of another observation of Alexander Pope’s: “A little learning’s a dang’rous thing”!! If they have the answers, why not get the votes to implement them??