Global Compact on Refugees to be presented to UN General Assembly

A Global Compact on Refugees is expected to be presented to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on June 20, 2018 as the world give recognition to refugees and their contribution to the various countries where they reside.
The Global Compact offers a way forward and recognises the contributions that refugees make to society.
World Refugee Day focuses on the plight of refugees around the world, and on efforts to protect their human rights.
This year, the United Nations is calling on the public to show support for families forced to flee their homes.
The story of refugees is one of “resilience, perseverance, and courage,” says the UN Secretary-General in his Message. “Ours must be of solidarity, compassion and action.”
Today, more than 68 million people around the world are refugees, or are internally displaced as a result of conflict or persecution. That is equivalent to the population of the world’s 20th largest country. Last year, someone mostly in poorer countries was displaced every two seconds.
According to the UN Secretary General, “On World Refugee Day, we must all think about what more can be done to assist. I am deeply concerned to see more and more situations where refugees are not receiving the protection they need, and to which they are entitled”.
Re-establishment of the integrity of the international refugee protection regime is accordingly being considered.
“In today’s world, no community or country providing safe refuge to people fleeing war or persecution should be alone and unsupported,” the Secretary General has advanced.
As long as there are wars and persecution, there will be refugees. As such, the UN is calling for solidarity, compassion to be show towards them, and action to be taken to give them recognition.