Drag-racers for the 12-second class of action will have the added bonus of a ‘cash pot’ for the winner, with Frames Optical of 54 Sheriff Street, Campbellville, Georgetown sponsoring a cash prize.
Frames Optical Owner Vevik Joshi (left) handing over the cash to GMR&SC Executive Member Paul Jiwanram
The company on Thursday handed over sponsorship to the tune of $50,000 to go directly to the winner of the 12-second class of the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club’s Quarter Mile Return.
Owner Vevik Joshi, himself a racer, handed over the cash to GMR&SC Executive Member Paul Jiwanram.
Meanwhile cars from Suriname are expected in Guyana later today, with the final number expected to be at least five.
They are coming to do battle with the best of Guyana’s cars, including Team Mohamed’s GTRs, Transpacific’s Alteeza, the S&D Performance’s Caldina, as well as the KONG Supra.
Tickets, costing $2000 for adults and $500 for children, are on sale at the following venues: GMR&SC at Albert Street & Thomas Lands; Mohamed’s Enterprise at 29 Lombard Street, Georgetown; Motor Trend Service Center at Area L, Foulis Public Road, ECD; West Coast Customs Wash Bay at Vreed-en-Hoop, WCD; Massive Audio at Parika, EBE; Homeline Furnishing at 10 Strand New Amsterdam, Berbice; Sukhpaul’s Business Enterprise & Auto Sales at Lot 7-8 Strand New Amsterdam, Berbice; and Sukhpaul’s Service Station at Corriverton, Corentyne, Berbice.
Racing action begins at 09:00 with qualifying, after which the event would move into the knockout phase.