GNBS, GEA sign revised MoU to ensure reliable measurements
Local petroleum industry
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) recently revised and fortified a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) it signed with the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) in 2014.
A GNBS inspector verifying a fuel tanker wagon compartment
The revised MoU was signed by Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry Permanent Secretary Sharon Roopchand, on behalf of the GNBS and GEA Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr Mahender Sharma.
The updated document will allow the two agencies to collaboratively ensure that a stringent monitoring, measurement, and licensing system is maintained within the petroleum industry.
In addition to all petrol meters, bulk meters and tanker wagons used at service stations, and petrol terminals, the revised document will now facilitate measurement monitoring on marine fuel vessels.
It will ensure that these vessels, petrol dispensers (petrol pumps and meters) and transportation carriers are verified/calibrated before the GEA issues licences to them. The signed agreement also allows for efficient and effective information sharing on the agreed terms.
The Weights and Measures Act No 15 of 1981 mandates the GNBS to verify all weighing and measuring devices used for the purpose of trade, in order to ensure accuracy in measurement, equity in trade, and consumer satisfaction.
The GEA agrees to ensure that all measuring instruments under its ambit are verified or calibrated by the GNBS prior to the issuance of the requisite GEA licences.
The revised MoU covers five articles or components – the purpose of the agreement, scope, management, officers, and the amendment.
Among the aspects specifically agreed to for the management of activities under the MoU is the sensitisation of fuel companies, proprietors of petrol filling stations, tanker wagon owners and other operators about the importance of calibration and verification of measuring instruments to ensure accuracy and equity in trade.
Additionally, tanker wagons used to transport fuel throughout Guyana will be calibrated or verified once yearly. Further, all non-conformities relating to use, calibration and verification of petrol meters, bulk meters, and tanker wagons will be reported promptly by the GEA to the GNBS or the respective Regional Weights and Measures Offices, in order to facilitate prompt and effective corrective actions.
Regarding the responsibilities of officers, the parties agreed that the officers of the GNBS and the Licensing Officers of the GEA shall be the executing persons to manage under the respective entities for the purpose of fulfilling the MoU.
Under the newly-amended MoU, the Executive Director of the GNBS and CEO of the GEA must agree to any further action for change contemplated or decided.